English Portfolio Drawing for a better world

David Maynar Gálvez

Freelance children’s book illustrator.

Since 1995 work in editorial illustration, especially in the field of illustrated album, digital applications and educational projects.

I have participated in numerous campaigns for educational entities and NGOs; Unesco, Cruz Roja, Fundación Oso Pardo, La Caixa, Futuroescope, Fundación Lucia (Sida pediátrico) ,  Ayuntamiento Barcelona…

You can find my drawings in illustrated albums and textbooks edited by: Anaya, Casals, Edebé, Santillana, Timun Mas, Vicens Vives, o Imaginarium. I also illustrate the life of famous artists like Picasso, Gaudi, Mozart… by the collection «Big names for Small people»  edited by Cossetània ediciones.

With the Galician designer Mar Nieto,  I formed the creation studio Cian Network in Barcelona, with the aim of developing creative and innovative projects for the challenges presented by the current editorial communication

Junceda Award for multimedia illustration, my work has been selected for various exhibitions, such as «Paseando la Mirada» Palace of La Lonja de Zaragoza, 2018

Since 2014 I coordinate Fundat creative workshops for the production of illustrated books, with children with disabilities.

Illustrated book Portfolio 2018 (download Pdf )

Illustrated school book Portfolio 2018 (download Pdf )
